Friday, December 3, 2010

Birds by Nicola Davies

Published as part of a series by Kingfisher Young Knowledge, Birds is a comprehensive resource for children on everything about birds from what exactly a bird is, to how they build thier homes and birds that are in danger.  Each spread includes a full-page photograph zoning in on the feature of the page's topic.  On the spread title "Hardworking feathers," Birds includes a magnificant picture of a macaw with its wings fully spread so children can see every feather that constitutes a bird's wings.  Every page includes bolded words across the footer defining possible new vocabulary for its reader making the text accessible for readers as young as eight-years-old. 

Davies' writing makes Birds a great nonfiction read.  She uses terms and examples that children can relate to.  On the page "Raising babies," Davies includes a section about teamwork writing that "Mom, dad, and a whole team of older others and sisters work teogether to feed teh bee eater babies."  When reading this I immediately imagained a family of my own with older brothers and sisters to help out with the arrival of a new sibling.

At the end of the book, Birds presents crafts projects such as making a bird book or a bird feeder.  These projects allow for further exploration of birds in their natural habitat and create an awareness of our interation with birds.  Overall, Birds is a great read for children as young as eight-years-old to learn the basics of these magnificent creatures!

Some other titles among the Kingfisher Young Knowledge series include:
Animal Homes
Rocks and Fossils

For science lesson ideas using the books, click here.

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